Posts tagged organize photos
5 Ways to Share Photos and Memories with Aging Parents

Older people love telling stories and there are so many benefits to it for both them and us. Photos can be a powerful way to bring those stories to life, however, it can be challenging to figure out how to share and give aging parents access to the photos and memories they love most. The best advice I have for conquering this challenge is to lean into technology.

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What you get when you hire a photo organizer

One question I get asked over and over is "How can you organize OTHER people's photos?" The first thing we do is ask questions and get to know you and your family. Then, we get to know your photos and your challenges.

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2021...we're ready!

Happy 2021! I was talking with my husband yesterday. He was back in the office after the holiday and he said that for some reason, it felt different with the calendar change. I kind of agree. I’m feeling really optimistic about the year ahead and am excited to dive into so many exciting things on the CYP agenda.

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One way to tell THIS story…a picture a day

We are undoubtedly living a historic event right now…the Pandemic of 2020. Because we know this, it gives each and every one of us a unique opportunity to tell the story as it is happening.

How do we do this? Here’s one way…

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Things that sit in your gut: how to get started organizing your photos

Do things ever just sit in your gut? That one thing that you know you need to do something about, but you put it off and put it off? Then you do it…and you wonder what took you so long? This happens to me all. the. time. Organizing your photos just might be one of those things.

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How to sort "the box"

20 years ago I was a first-time mom, wearing a hunter green jogging suit, listening to my mom talk about the really tough decisions that she and her sister had to make regarding caring for my grandma. Now, I am the meat and cheese of the sandwich generation. One of the tasks that often needs to be tackled at this time is deciding what will happen to the family’s photos and memories.

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Doing things differently: taking action

There is a scary study conducted by Everpresent that revealed that 82% of families are not confident all their digital photos and videos are backed up. That's a lot of memories at risk. Where are you at with the beauties in your life? If your memories are at risk, are you ready to do things differently?

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