When photos come out...storytelling just happens


Recently, my mom (right) and Aunt Sharon (left) visited me. One of the things we did when they were here, was go through a family history album that I am creating for the Crelly side of our family. One of the things that was so great about that day was the stories that they told. It's amazing how photos bring out stories. My goal that day was to get the ok on some stuff and get some questions answered, but it turned into so much more. Had we not been looking at these photos, I don't think I would have even heard some of the stories they told. I really valued that time with both of them.

Do you have old photos or home movies hanging around your house, your parent's, your grandparent's? Bring them out someday and see what happens. I can almost guarantee you will have the same experience as I did. Storytelling just happens. We can't help ourselves.

Next step...scan or transfer to preserve them, then compile them into an album. Taking them out of the box makes them powerful relationship building forces. Photos were meant to be shared and the stories...well, you be the judge.