Posts tagged getting started
Things that sit in your gut: how to get started organizing your photos

Do things ever just sit in your gut? That one thing that you know you need to do something about, but you put it off and put it off? Then you do it…and you wonder what took you so long? This happens to me all. the. time. Organizing your photos just might be one of those things.

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6 Photo Tips for when YOU take the BIG trip

I’m always looking for new, creative ways to capture my memories, and when you have an opportunity to take a trip like this, you owe it to yourself to find a way to relive those memories. Here are 6 tips for when YOU take the BIG trip…

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'Organizing Forward' Part 3: Getting down with your printed photos

'Organizing Forward' is all about taking first steps. With your printed photos, one first step that you can take is to get them preserved. The best way to preserve them...scan them.

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'Organizing Foward' Part 2: Beautiful memories, here we come! Let's find a system...

I recently introduced the concept of "Organizing Forward", which is setting up a system going forward from today, to give you the confidence to eventually go back and tackle your mess of beautiful memories . Since digital photos (mostly on our phones) are a big challenge, let's tackle those first. Questions to ask yourself...

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