10 ways I’m going to do life differently

My inbox is full of people that really have no professional knowledge on the subject, telling me to wash my hands. Quite honestly, I’ve stopped reading them.

Over the past few days as this pandemic has ramped up, my personal feelings have shifted from wondering if this is overhyped, to yep, I need to do my part. In all honesty, the reason for this shift is pretty selfish.

First, my mama bear instincts are kicking in. While I’m not concerned about my immediate family being able to fight it if they get it, I am worried about it affecting our parents, other people we love and our community. The second reason is that I don’t want to be responsible for giving it to someone if I’m infected and don’t know it.

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Bottom line, all of this makes me think about how I am going to do life differently both at work and at home over at least the next few weeks.

  1. We can organize your digital pics remotely. I have a crazy work schedule the next few weeks, but while I love meeting in person with you, we can accomplish a ton of digital photo organizing remotely.

    What does that mean?

    I have the capability to videoconference my clients, including doing screen shares. While I prefer when I can to have our first meeting in person, I am kind of amazed at how in person this feels. If we have a meeting set up over the next few weeks, I will be in touch. If we don’t, but this sounds intriguing and you want to try it out, give me a call.

  2. Postponing meetings that CAN’T be done via videoconference. It’s kind of interesting that when I look at my calendar, there isn’t much that I can’t do remotely.

  3. Socially distance. The Corbids are going to socially distance as much as possible. This may drive us all a little nuts, but it’s going to be okay.

  4. Make a list of my personal photo projects and get to work. Why not take advantage of this extra time at home to relive some memories and get some projects done? Work on an album you’ve been meaning to do, or dive into a few of those boxes that you’ve been saying you are going to get to. Get your kids involved and tell some stories!

    Need a guide on how to sort photos? Drop me an email and I will happily send you one (holly@captureyourphotos.com) or check out this blog: Choose awesome...how to sort the box

    Did you know that photos can also be therapeutic? Seeing those joy-filled memories can help both your mood and your mindset.

  5. Do some online learning. I’ve purchased 2 online classes over the past 4 months that I am super excited about diving into. This is the perfect time to build some skills.

  6. Order food from some local small businesses for pick up or delivery. They need us right now.

  7. Monitor my time spent on social media and watching the news. In times like this, I can’t stop. I’m desperate for information, but reading the same information over and over is not only super unproductive, but it’s also not great for my mindset. Don’t get me wrong, I believe social media will be an outlet for a lot of us that are socially distancing ourselves, but moderation is good.

  8. Get our Smart TV set up properly. I’m hoping my kids are going to step up and do this for me. And then…

  9. Get Netflix…maybe. We may be the last family in Minnesota that doesn’t have Netflix, but we mostly watch sports. With no sports, it might be time. And then…

  10. Break out the home movies. I think I hear my kids grumbling, but this I know…as soon as we start watching them, stories will be told, laughter will ring and my mama’s heart will be full.

I have lots of concerns for people like my fellow small business owners and our older population, but I also feel like we have the power to make this better if we all take just a few minutes to think about how we can do life differently.

Here’s to good health.

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Holly Corbid is the founder and owner of Capture Your Photos, where we help you to celebrate life, tell stories and touch hearts with your photos. Interested in information on remote digital photo organizing? Let’s talk!